Saturday, February 26, 2011


As the leaf breaks from the...
Branch is linking it to the air...
Layer upon layer...
It links and breaks...
It joins and separates...
Eventually engaging in an ecstacy with the Earth...
Faster than a sperm to the ovum...
This fertilization event has no beginning...
An infinite zygote that is never not happening...
No preparation is needed for this yoking...
One thing always leading to another...
A feline that is never not siamese...
In the eternal, place-less temple...
The monks are safe...
With the body a slave to the Earth...
The true Self can move about like the leaf...
Not its desire...
But it is its true life...
No effort neccessary...
This joining...
It happens as a rock flies and moves about the land...
It happens while the humming bird becomes a tiger...
It happens as the red blood cells oxygenate the blood...
This joining...
By calling it to existence...
One becomes the rose...
And THAT, it becomes its stem...
Disconnected from the source...
The ignorant seek...
Waiting for sight of it...
A man may go blind...


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